Birth Mom

I think of them often, more so than you would imagine and more so around the children's birthdays. I wonder if when I am thinking of them, are they thinking of me? Three adoptions, two Birth Moms, hence the "them."  


Today my (our) daughter turns nine. Heavy on my heart these last two days is her Birth Mother. As I write this, I cry for her broken heart. I cry for my heart that aches for her loss. I wipe away tears of gratitude for her bringing this child into the world.  Eight years ago she was laboring her second child. 


I picture the arrival at the hospital in my mind. I think about how it was for her. Did she have the support of loved ones around her? What was her birth like? Were they good to her? In my mind's eye I can see the first time she held her baby girl. Is she thinking of these things now?  


Deep love and gratitude for her and her bravery. I honor her pain and I offer my gratefulness. 

Thank you dear Birth Mother. I keep loving thoughts of you safe in my heart.  

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